How to manage Work Life Balance while Working From Home!

Hello friends,

Welcome to my blog! Today I am going to talk about how to strike a perfect work life balance while working from home. Quite ironical isn't it! Who would have thought that we would need this while working from home. But the struggle is real. 

We are so used to relaxing at home that even working from is more like relaxing while working in between. But for some, working from home is like taking every moment which they are saving by staying at home and pouring themselves into work. I am of the first kind while my husband belongs to the second category 😄

For people like me, we miss out on deadlines and end up working late hours and working on weekends. And for people who work all day long, by the end of the day they get so exhausted that they don't get time for themselves or their families. In the new WFH scenario where employees are seen as “always available”, maintaining work-life balance becomes a critical issue for them. 

But I realized that there are some common things, both me and my husband do, which leads us to our situation. For him it is not getting enough time for himself. I on the other hand not doing justice to my work.

So here are few things we did for the last few weeks and noticed a reasonable change in our lives:

1. Stick to a schedule

Whatever your work timings are, stick to those timings. Don't start late and end up working late. You can give yourself some slack for one hour or so but not more than that. If your work timings are from 9am to 5pm then wake up at the time you used to wake up before and start working by 9 am. 
Don't think that if you are at home so you can start whenever you want and can compensate by working late. Of course this is a benefit of staying at home and working, but most of the times you end up doing nothing but work all day long. Because let's be honest, who gets up early in the morning and does exercises and cooks and does everything else he/she needs to do before start working. This leads me to my second point. 

2. Get all necessary things done before you start your work

I know getting all things done is not really possible because you never know what may come up in between. But if you are a fitness enthusiast, get your workout done in the morning. If you have to prepare meals then do it before you start at your desk. Exercise, take a shower, have something to eat and then start you day like you would normally do when you go out for work.

3. Limit your time on non-essential activities

While at home, we often end up spending more time on non-essential activities like watching TV, checking our phones every now and then or checking social media. Set a limit for activities like this during work hours, or avoid doing them. Save your time for work-related activities during work hours so that you can wind up on time and enjoy the rest of the hours left in a day with your family.

4. Plan your the day

Set up a list of goals for the day before you start your work. Analyze all the tasks you have to do, prioritize them and then decide deadlines to finish them. Having a goal for the day will automatically encourage you to focus on work and getting it done within a set time limit. Giving you ample amount of time for yourself and your family.

5. Do not exert yourself

Times are hard with already so much going on around us. We are mentally stressed already. Even if you miss a deadline, don't push yourself to work day and night without taking out time for yourself. This will affect your productivity also. Taking a break is necessary. Take out time for relaxation so that you can go back to work every day with full energy and enthusiasm.

Following these few simple things have made our lives so much better. We definitely have found a sweet spot between work and life by managing our time and setting goals for the day, be it work wise or personal goals. And for relaxation I do yoga! Yoga has kept me sane throughout this pandemic. Hope this article has helped some of you.

Stay healthy and Stay Safe! Have a happy WFH 😄
