Coping with Stress in Corona Times

 Hello friends, 

We are going through a pandemic and this is the worst of a kind that we, in this generation, have seen. It has affected us all in one way or the other. It can be difficult sometimes coping up with the anxiety, restlessness and sleeplessness. Most of us have become night owls mindlessly scrolling through News, Facebook feed, Instagram feed throughout the night. Now when I think about last year it was nothing compared to what we have witnessed this year. We did productive things then like trying out new recipes, reading a book, listening to songs, developed a hobby etc etc. Seeing the chaos around us, specially in India, one looses hope and just worries about the well being of their loved ones. 

I am a believer of the fact that your mental health governs the overall well being of your body.  So the only thing which we can do in these times is to stay mentally fit. This reminds me of the famous quote by Dalai Lama 


I was scheduled to get vaccinated on 12th May 2021 and I had been stressing all over it from a week before. I am very scared of injections. One time I fainted after getting a tetanus shot. So the fear is real for people like me. After getting vaccinated I read all the news about how the vaccination is causing side effects in some people. I would check my pulse and SPO2 readings every one hour. Looking for thrombosis signs here and there, My God I had literally gone mad. After almost two weeks I think I am out of that fear now. And then the cycle started again when my husband got his shot on Monday this week 😅

I have decided that I cannot go on living like this forever. I will go mad otherwise. So here are some things which I have tried and those have worked for me to calm my mind and help me relax :

1. Reading a book from your favorite author 📖

Choose a time of the day when you dedicatedly read without interruption. Every time I do this, I start to wonder why have I been wasting my time all day lazing around. I am reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand currently.

2. Listening to your favorite music 📻

Nothing lifts your mood more than listening to the music you love. Just put on your headphones and get some fresh air in your balcony, lawn or terrace.

3. Watching your favorite Show/Movie 📺

There's no denying the fact that watching Friends anytime no matter how terrible you feel, lifts your mood. Well you can watch any other show or movie you like which will give you comfort and keeps your mind off things. I am currently watching Marvelous Mrs Maisel on Amazon Prime and Riverdale on Netflix. Any hindi comedy movie is a must watch in my home on weekends. 

4. Talking to your friends and family  📱

Hearing the voice of your loved ones gives you comfort and peace of mind. Just talk it out, whatever is bothering you. They may have a solution to your problem, or even if they don't, just letting it out feels great. Do not keep your feelings, fears and anxiety bottled up. 

5. Start a new hobby or pick up an old one 🎸

It is never to start learning anything. You can be in your 20s, 30s or 50s you can do anything you want to as long as you keep trying. You can learn a new language, start cooking, play guitar, piano, tabla, pick up any sport, try singing, painting. Just give half an hour daily for a minimum of 30 days and then you will find yourself doing it on your own free will . 

6. Cleaning and organizing 🏬

I am a cleanliness freak and when I am anxious I start cleaning my house. If already cleaned then I arrange things keep them in order, organize them. It gives me a sense of purpose and direction and gives me hope that anything can be sorted out. I know this is weird but trust me it works.

7. Meditate and Exercise 💛

Try starting your day with exercising and meditating for half an hour. It clears your mind, gives a fresh start to your day and boosts immunity which is very important in todays life. It keeps your strong and motivated.

If you want more information regarding this, here are some links to help you take care of your emotional health :

These have helped me keep my sanity and keep me focused. Times are hard but this also will pass. You can add more to this list which has helped you by posting a comment. Stay healthy and stay safe. 
Love! 💗
